中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站5月17日伦敦报道,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)周三在其官方杂志The Arabian Sun中说,沙特阿美计划建立一个新的化工产品子公司。 沙特阿美说,公司董事会日前批准了建立一个新的子公司来进行公司的化工业务。沙特阿美在这本每周内部刊物中没有提供更多细节。 沙特阿美董事会上周在上海举行会议讨论公司的计划并任命了新的下游主管以及其它关键职位的几个副总裁。阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·朱代米被任命担任下游业务高级副总裁。 朱代米在去年曾说,沙特阿美打算在2030年前把其化工产品产量提高近3倍至3400万吨。在此期间,沙特阿美的全球炼油能力目标是把日炼油能力从目前的500多万桶提高到800万至1000万桶。 沙特阿美还计划与沙特基础工业公司合作开发一个巨大的石油制化工产品项目,业内人士说这个项目将耗资200多亿美元。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Saudi Aramco to Set Up Chemicals Unit Saudi Aramco plans to set up a new chemicals subsidiary, the company said in its official magazine, The Arabian Sun, on Wednesday.
“The Board… approved the creation of a new subsidiary to conduct the company’s chemicals business,” Aramco said. It did not give further details in the weekly in-house publication. Aramco’s board met last week in Shanghai to discuss the company’s plans and appointed a new downstream head as well as several vice presidents in other key positions. Abdulaziz al-Judaimi was named as senior vice president for downstream operations. Last year, Judaimi said Saudi Aramco aims to almost triple its chemicals production to 34 million metric tons per year by 2030. Over the same period Aramco’s global refining capacity target is to raise it to 8-10 million barrels per day (bpd) from more than 5 million bpd now. The oil giant is also planning to develop a massive oil to chemicals project with Saudi Basic Industries Corp which industry sources say will cost more than $20 billion.