中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews网站5月17日伦敦报道,英国著名独立石油勘探公司图洛石油公司周三在伦敦宣布,该公司位于肯尼亚北部13T区块中的Emekuya-1井日前在钻进过程中钻遇了石油。根据图洛石油公司的一份声明,发现井在钻进过程中在两个区域中钻遇了大约245英尺厚的纯产油层。 图洛石油公司勘探经理麦克科斯在一份公司声明中说,Emekuya-1勘探评价井在南洛基查盆地北部获得了一个重要的石油发现。 拥有50%股权的图洛石油公司担任肯尼亚13T和10BB区块的作业者,其合作伙伴非洲石油公司和丹麦马士基石油公司各拥有25%的股权。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Tullow Hits Oil at Kenyan Well Tullow Oil plc announced Wednesday that the Emekuya-1 well in Block 13T, Northern Kenya, has hit oil. The well encountered around 245 feet of net oil pay in two zones, according to a company statement.
“The Emekuya-1 exploratory appraisal well has made an important discovery in the northern part of the South Lokichar Basin,” Angus McCoss, Tullow exploration director, said in a company statement. Tullow operates Blocks 13T and 10BB with 50 percent equity and is partnered by Africa Oil Corporation and Maersk Oil, both with 25 percent.