中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯吉隆坡5月15日消息,马来西亚国家石油公司旗下化学公司(Petronas Chemicals Group)表示,一季度公司受益于强劲的营业收入刺激净利润出现飙升。 马国油化学公司表示,一季度业绩的强劲增长得益于销售量和销售价格增长以及美元汇率的强势。 据马来西亚当地股票交易所的一份文件显示,今年一季度马国油化学公司净利润升至13亿林吉特(3亿美元),去年同期为5.92亿林吉特。马国油化学公司表示,一季度公司的营业收入大幅跃升49%,从去年同期的31亿林吉特增长至47亿林吉特。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: DJ Petronas Chemicals First-Quarter Net Profit More Than Doubles to MYR1.3 Billion KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia–Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd. (5183.KU), the chemical-processing arm of Malaysia’s national oil company Petronas, said net profit for the first quarter surged on strong revenue. The company said the improved performance came amid higher sales volume and prices, as well as a stronger U.S dollar. Net profit for the three months ended March rose to 1.3 billion ringgit ($300 million) from MYR592 million a year ago, according to a local stock-exchange filing. Revenue jumped 49% to MYR4.7 billion during the quarter from MYR3.1 billion, Petronas Chemicals said.