中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月11日消息, 星展银行(DBS)表示,油价的回落以及卢比汇率的坚挺降低了印度通货膨胀的风险。近来国际油价创下了去年11月份以来的最低水平,这对于缩小印度经常收支和贸易赤字也是好消息。此外油价的下跌将缓解印度政府取消消费税以保持油品零售价格处于可控状态的压力。DBS表示:“总之,低油价对于印度的经济发展呈现积极的因素。” 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Lower Oil Prices are Good News for India Easing oil prices, together with a firm rupee, lower the risk of India’s inflation jumping, says DBS. Crude recently hit its lowest levels since late November, which is also good for narrowing the country’s current-account and trade deficits. Besides, it would ease government pressure to remove excise taxes to keep retail prices in check. “In all, softer oil prices are positive for the economy,” says DBS.