

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社巴格达5月4日消息,伊拉克石油部5月4日邀请外国公司和投资者参与竞标建设和运营位于巴士拉附近Fao的一个30万桶/天的出口型炼油厂项目。 伊拉克石油部在一份公告中称,此次招标将提供两个投资模式的招标文件,包括建设-拥有-运营模式和建设-运营-移交模式。 石油部表示,这些招标文件将在5月31日发放,招标将在8月1日结束。 伊拉克是仅次于沙特的欧佩克第二大产油国,2014年伊斯兰国组织(IS)占领了位于巴格达北部伊拉克最大的炼油厂Baiji炼油厂,导致伊拉克炼油产能受到削减。 虽然伊拉克军队在2015年收复了该炼油厂,但是在战斗中该炼油厂受到严重损毁。 伊拉克当前依赖于位于巴格达的Doura炼油厂和位于巴士拉的Shuaiba炼油厂。 唐绍红摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Iraq calls for bids for new oil refinery in Basra
Iraqi’s oil ministry on Thursday asked foreign companies and investors to bid for a project to build and operate a 300,000-bpd export-oriented refinery in Fao, near the southern city of Basra. Bidding documents provide for two investment models—build-own-operate and build-operate-transfer, said the ministry in a statement. They will be available until May 31 and the bidding will close on Aug. 1, it said. OPEC’s second-largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia, Iraq’s refining capacity was curtailed when Islamic State overran its largest oil processing plant in Baiji, north of Baghdad, in 2014. Iraqi forces recaptured it in 2015 but it sustained heavy damage in the fighting. The country now relies on the Doura refinery in Baghdad and the Shuaiba in Basra.
