

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社东京5月9日消息,日本炼油商出光兴产和昭和壳牌周二表示,双方已经签署一份协议,在出光兴产并购昭和壳牌案停滞不前的情况下建立业务合作关系。 两家公司公告称,根据协议,双方将在原油采购和运输以及生产计划方面采取更加紧密的合作。 去年12月,出光兴产完成了收购昭和壳牌公司不到三分之一股权的交易,但是由于受到来自于出光兴产公司创立家族的反对,两家公司完全合并的目标已经被推迟。 两家公司在公告中称,更加紧密的合作将令两家公司在从2017年4月份开始的三年时间里每年至少节省成本2.2亿美元。 唐绍红摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Japanese oil refiners Idemitsu, Showa Shell sign alliance deal Japanese oil refiners Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd and Showa Shell Sekiyu KK said on Tuesday that they have signed a deal to form a business alliance ahead of Idemitsu’s stalled merger with Showa Shell. Under the deal, the companies will cooperate more closely on crude purchases and transportation as well as production plans, they said in a statement. Idemitsu Kosan completed the purchase of just under a third of Showa Shell last December, but the goal of a full merger of the two companies has been delayed due to opposition from Idemitsu’s founding family. In the statement on the deal, the two companies said that the closer cooperation will result in annual cost savings of at least $220 MM within three years from April 2017.
