

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社5月7日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气)在周日表示,瑞士Allseas集团已经开始第一阶段的“土耳其溪”天然气管道的建设施工。 该天然气管道将从俄罗斯南部穿过黑海到达土耳其,允许俄罗斯国有天然气公司在规避乌克兰的同时,直接向欧洲南部输送天然气。 俄气表示,Allseas公司的管道铺设船只“Audacia”号已经在俄罗斯黑海沿岸开始管道铺设作业。俄气的首席执行官官阿列克谢·米勒在一份声明中称,“土耳其溪”项目将在2019年底完工。此前,俄气表示其将于2017年下半年开始在黑海水下铺设土耳其溪天然气管道。 俄气多年来一直在寻求一种将天然气直接输往欧洲南部的方法,但由于欧盟的反对,其不得不取消此前的“南溪”项目。土耳其溪天然气管道项目的运营成本公布于2014年底,将达到120-130亿美元。 章盈盈 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Russia’s Gazprom says construction of Turkish Steam begins Russia’s Gazprom said on Sunday Switzerland’s Allseas Group S.A. has begun constructing the first stage of the Turkish Stream pipeline. The natural gas pipe will run from southern Russia across the Black Sea to Turkey, allowing the state-owned company to send gas direct to southern Europe while circumventing Ukraine. Gazprom said Allseas’ vessel Audacia had started laying pipes on the Russian shore of Black Sea. In a statement, the company’s Chief Executive Alexei Miller said the Turkish Stream project would be finished by the end of 2019. Previously Gazprom said it would start laying pipes under the Black Sea for Turkish Stream in the second half of 2017. Gazprom has for years sought a way to ship gas direct to southern Europe but had to scrap the previous project, South Stream, because of opposition from the European Union. The cost of the project, announced in late 2014, was seen between $12 and $13 billion.
