

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站5月4日莫斯科报道,贸易商周四披露,由于俄罗斯的监管机构没有批准向乌克兰装运液化石油气(LPG),俄罗斯日前在一个月内第二次暂停了向乌克兰出口LPG。 俄罗斯由于担心乌克兰可能把LPG用于军事目的在4月初限制了LPG出口乌克兰数天。 路透社看到的俄罗斯铁路统计数据也显示俄罗斯自5月1日以来没有向乌克兰出口任何LPG。 在俄罗斯在2014年3月并吞了克里米亚半岛并在乌克兰东部顿巴斯地区爆发了分裂战斗以后,基辅和俄罗斯之间的关系一落千丈。 贸易商说,俄罗斯监管机构俄罗斯联邦技术和出口监督局(FSTEC)没有批准LPG装运。 FSTEC没有立即对此事发表评论。 LPG或丙烷和丁烷通常比许多其它种类燃料便宜,例如汽油。LPG能够用于汽车、家庭设施或生产电力。 乌克兰是俄罗斯第2大LPG出口市场,仅次于波兰。去年,俄罗斯向乌克兰出口了80万吨这种燃料。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Russia Suspends LPG Exports to Ukraine Russian exporters have suspended liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) exports to Ukraine for the second time in a month because Russia’s regulator has not given clearance for the shipments, traders said on Thursday. Russia restricted LPG exports to Ukraine in early April for a few days citing concerns it could be used for military purposes. Russian railway statistics, seen by Reuters, also showed there had been no LNG exports to Ukraine from Russia since May 1. Relations between Kiev and Moscow plummeted after Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula in March 2014 and separatist fighting erupted in Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region. Traders said the Russian regulator, the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC), had not given clearance for the LPG shipments. The FSTEC was not immediately available to comment. LPG, or propane and butane, is usually cheaper than many other kinds of fuel, such as gasoline. It can be used in cars, household utilities or to produce electric power. Ukraine is Russia’s second-largest LPG market after Poland. Last year, Russia shipped 800,000 tonnes of the fuel to Ukraine.
