

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月5日消息,阿根廷国有石油公司YPF负责非常规石油业务的Pablo Bizzotto表示,公司已经在削减位于阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的Vaca Muerta盆地的生产成本,这是一个巨大的油气盆地。他表示,在不到两年的时间中,公司在该盆地的油井开发成本已经大幅下降了62%,当前的成本已经不到13美元/桶石油当量,公司希望将成本削减至10美元/桶。他指出,当前公司在该盆地的生产成本正在更加接近于美国得克萨斯州二叠纪盆地这样的美国主要的页岩油开采区的生产成本。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: YPF Reducing Production Costs In Argentina Argentina’s state-run oil company, YPF, has been slashing production costs in Vaca Muerta, the giant oil and gas basin in Patagonia, says Pablo Bizzotto, who runs YPF’s unconventional oil operations. Well development costs at YPF have fallen 62% to under $13 per barrel of oil equivalent in less than two years, he says, and YPF hopes to push that to $10 a barrel. He notes that costs are becoming closer to those obtained in key US drilling sites such as the Permian in Texas.
