中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月5日消息,OM Financial的客户经理Stuart Ive称,在油价长时期低于30美元/桶之前,美国页岩油生产商可能不会减少产量。他补充道,那是因为欧佩克目前面临着一个两难境地,即如何在不间接鼓励美国石油生产商继续增产的情况下延长当前的减产协议。他表示:“市场正在探底,但最终将取决于欧佩克本月底是否延长减产协议及延长期限的决定。” 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: May Need Sub-$30 Oil to Curb US Shale Producers American shale producers may not pull back production until prices are below $30/barrel for a prolonged period, says Stuart Ive, a client manager at OM Financial. That as OPEC now faces a difficult dilemma on how to extend current production cuts without indirectly encouraging US producers to keep pumping further, he adds. “The market is looking for the bottom, but this will come down to what OPEC does at the end of the month” in regards to whether the cuts get extended and to what level.