中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月5日消息,摩根士丹利分析师们表示,市场对于美国页岩油产量强劲增长的担忧是近来油价大幅下挫的主要推手。美国政府周三公布的数据显示美国原油产量连续第11周出现增加,当前的产量达到929.3万桶/天。仅仅自今年以来,美国原油产量已经增加了52.3万桶/天,或每周增加360万桶。摩根士丹利在一份报告中称,由于页岩市场的准入成本已经下降,美国页岩行业将显示强劲的一季度赢利。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Strength of US Shale Seen Driving Oil Price Slide Worries about the strength of the U.S. shale industry are the driving force behind oil prices’ recent slide, say analysts at Morgan Stanley. U.S. government data on Wednesday showed that U.S. crude output rose for the 11th week in a row, to 9.293 million barrels per day. Just since the start of the year, production has increased by 523,000 bpd a day, or 3.6 million barrels a week. Shale market entry costs have declined, allowing the sector to show strong earnings in Q1, Morgan Stanley says in a note.