

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社5月2日伦敦/米兰报道,意大利石油公司埃尼公司在本周二表示,该公司结束长达数月的供应成本争论后,签署了一项液化天然气供应协议,为国营进口商巴基斯坦LNG公司供应1100万吨液化天然气,期限是15年。 该笔交易自1月达成后延迟至周二才宣布,埃尼公司毫无争议地成为巴基斯坦LNG招标的赢家,其将作为该国短缺的天然气市场的主要供应商。 值得注意的是,贡沃尔公司通过单独但并行投标的方式,也获得了5年内向巴基斯坦供应LNG的协议,但其价格远低于埃尼公司提交的15年供应协议中的价格。 巴基斯坦一名能源官员和业内人士向路透社表示称,巴基斯坦在迅速与贡沃尔公司达成交易后,开始着手与埃尼公司展开谈判,以期望后者能在价格上与贡沃尔公司保持一致。业内消息人士称,谈判的结果使得埃尼公司同意降价,但埃尼公司并未立即就此事进行评论。 章盈盈 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Eni wins 15-year contract for LNG supply in Pakistan Italian oil company ENI said on Tuesday it had clinched a 15-year, 11 million-tonne liquefied natural gas (LNG) deal to supply state-run importer Pakistan LNG, ending months of wrangling over the cost of the supplies. The announcement of the deal has been delayed since January when Eni emerged as the clear winner of a tendering to Pakistan LNG to secure vital supplies for the country’s gas-starved domestic market. At issue was trading house Gunvor’s deal to supply Pakistan with LNG for five years, in a separate but parallel tender, at a price significantly below that which Eni submitted in its 15-year offer. While Pakistan swiftly approved Gunvor’s deal, officials there started negotiations aimed at persuading Eni to more closely align its prices with that of Gunvor, a Pakistani energy official and industry sources told Reuters. The outcome of the negotiation resulted in Eni lowering its price, industry sources said. Eni was not immediately available to comment.
