中国石化新闻网讯 据Offshore网站5月2日挪威克里斯蒂安松报道,德国化工巨头巴斯夫麾下的石油公司温特斯豪位于挪威海上的玛利亚油气田日前提前开始开发并可能在明年上半年开始油气生产。 6口井在3月份开始钻井作业,而顶部井眼已经完成。钻向储层段的钻井作业目前正在进行之中。整个钻井计划预计将需要580天才能完成。 位于Haltenbanken地区的玛利亚油气田时下正在通过与这个地区的3个平台实现回接的方式开发中。玛利亚油气田的井内液气流将运送到位于处理设施以西20公里的克里斯廷平台,而注入储油层的水的供应将来自该井北面45公里处的海德伦平台。 提升用气体将通过Tyrihans水下底盘从阿斯加德B油田提供。处理后的石油将输送到阿斯加德油田储存和装上来回穿梭的油轮,而天然气通过阿斯加德运输系统出口到Karsto。 温特斯豪估计这个项目将需要大约17.8亿美元的总投资。这个油气田拥有大约1.8亿桶油当量的可采储量,其中大部分是石油。 李峻 编译自 Offshore 原文如下: Wintershall ahead of schedule at Maria offshore Norway KRISTIANSUND, Norway – Wintershall’s Maria oil and gas field development in the Norwegian Sea is ahead of schedule and could start up in the first half of next year. Drilling of the six wells started in March and the top holes are now complete. Drilling toward the reservoir section is currently under way – the program should take around 580 days to complete. The field, in the Haltenbanken region, is under development via a subsea tieback to three platforms in the area. Maria’s wellstream will head to the Kristin platform, 20 km (12.4 mi) to the west for processing, while supply of water for injection into the reservoir will come from the Heidrun platform, 45 km (28 mi) to the north. Lift gas will be provided from Åsgard B via the Tyrihans subsea template. Processed oil will be shipped to the Åsgard field for storage and offloading to shuttle tankers, while the gas will be exported via the Åsgard Transport System to Kårstø. Wintershall estimates total investments for the project at around NOK15.3 billion ($1.78 billion). Recoverable reserves are roughly 180 MMboe, of which the majority is oil.