中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯5月1日消息,随着迪拜原油市场结构变弱,全球最大原油出口国沙特全线下调了针对亚洲市场的6月份原油官方销售价格。 沙特国有巨头沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)周一表示,对于该公司的远东客户,阿拉伯轻油(Arab Light)价格较前月下调0.4美元/桶;阿拉伯超级轻油(Arab Super Light)价格下调0.7美元/桶,阿拉伯特级轻油(Arab Extra Light)价格下调0.6美元/桶。 此前,由于原油供应充足,中东原油基准迪拜原油期货价格走低。迪拜原油期货价格是沙特计算官方原油销售价格的一个关键因素。 对美国的官方原油销售价格则全线上调,上调幅度最大的是阿拉伯特级轻油,上调0.2美元/桶。对欧洲客户的官方原油销售价格上调0.5-0.95美元/桶不等。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Saudi Aramco Revises June Crude Prices for Asia, US Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude exporter, has cut all official June prices for its oil sales to Asia amid weaker Dubai crude market structure. For its Far East customers, prices for Arab Light were cut by 40 cents, Arab Super Light by 70 cents and Arab Extra Light by 60 cents from the previous month, state-owned giant Saudi Aramco said Monday. The move follows a fall in the Middle East benchmark Dubai crude, a key factor in the Saudi OSP calculations, due to ample oil supplies. U.S. prices were all raised and the biggest rise was 20 cents for Extra Light, while prices for European buyers were increased between 50 to 95 cents a barrel.