中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯4月26日消息,在美国公布的数据显示炼油商原油加工量创新高令库存大幅下降的消息后,美国原油期货周三收盘上涨。 但油价收窄涨幅,收盘时跌回50美元/桶以下,因为燃料价格的下跌拖累了石油市场。 纽约商业交易所的美国原油期货结算价上涨6美分,至49.62美元/桶,涨幅0.12%。欧洲ICE期货交易所的全球基准布伦特原油期货结算价下跌28美分,至51.82美元/桶,跌幅0.54%。 美国能源情报署(EIA)周三公布,美国上周原油库存减少360万桶。这一降幅显著超出分析师和交易员的预期。 上述数据协助减轻了原油持续供应过剩的担忧,刺激投资者买入原油。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Oil Prices Recover After U.S. Stockpiles Data U.S. oil futures rose Wednesday after U.S. data showed refiners gobbled up more crude oil than ever from storage tanks, drawing down stockpiles. But prices pared gains and dropped back below $50, as falling fuel prices weighed on the oil market. U.S. crude futures settled up 6 cents, or 0.12%, at $49.62 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Brent, the global benchmark, fell 28 cents, or 0.54%, at $51.82 a barrel on ICE Futures Europe. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that U.S. crude inventories fell 3.6 million barrels last week. The draw was significantly more than analysts and traders were expecting. That helped eat away at a persistent supply overhang and spurred buying.