

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月21日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯最大的私营天然气生产商诺瓦泰克公司的首席执行官列昂尼德·米赫尔松周五表示,该公司正寻求扩大资源基数来稳定天然气产量,并稳住国内市场份额。 尽管米赫尔松补充表示,来自德国和瑞典的进出口商愿意为其投资亚马尔天然气项目提供资金支持,但他拒绝透露更多细节。 亚马尔天然气项目总投资额达到270亿美元,当前已基本完成筹资,其中大多数资金来自于中国的投资商。据悉,该天然气项目预计在今年内实现投产,诺瓦泰克公司是最大股东,占股50.1%。 作为蝉联福布斯的俄首富商人,米赫尔松表示该公司正积极寻求在北极亚马尔地区获取更多的油气资源。据悉,该地区的天然气储量约占俄罗斯天然气资源的70%左右。 章盈盈 编译 原文如下: Russia’s Novatek to boost gas resources to keep output, market share steady Apr 21, 2017 MOSCOW, April 21 (Reuters) – Novatek, Russia’s largest non-state natural gas producer, is seeking to increase its resource base to stabilise gas output and keep its domestic market share steady, Leonid Mikhelson, head of the company, said on Friday. Mikhelson also said import-export agencies from Germany and Sweden had agreed to help finance the Yamal LNG project, though he declined to disclose details. Yamal LNG, with total inward investment set at $27 billion, has almost completed fund-raising thanks mainly to investors from China. Novatek is the main shareholder in Yamal LNG, which is due to start producing liquefied natural gas this year, with a stake of 50.1 percent. Mikhelson, Russia’s richest businessman according to Forbes magazine, said the company was looking to boost its resources in the Arctic Yamal region, which accounts for around 70 percent of Russian gas resources.
