Recently, the important exploration well Mashen 1 is successfully drilled with the depth of 8418 meters, which creates the first ultra-deep drilling record in Asia.
Mashen 1 well is an important exploration well deployed in the northeastern region of Sichuan Basin by Sinopec, which is in the complex tectonic zone geological conditions and requires drilling respectively through continental strata and marine strata. The difficulty is rarely seen in China. A series of high targets and new records are set during drilling. One is promoting the use of foam drilling, high speed turbine with impregnated diamond bit, low speed high torque screw with efficient PDC bit and other new technologies in continental strata. The penetration rate is increased by an average of 64%. The other is adopting rotary percussion drilling and high efficient screw composite drilling technology, whose penetration rate is enhanced nearly 3 times than conventional cone bit, and set the record of the highest drill footage and maximum penetration rate for single bit .
- China Market