中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯3月17日消息,在长达两年多的油价下跌期间,美国页岩油产量的弹性已经被证实。油气咨询公司PetroNerds董事长Trisha Curtis表示,这种弹性已经令很多人感到惊讶,包括欧佩克产油国,欧佩克产油国曾以为他们能够更多地影响页岩油产量。虽然沙特能源部长近来警告沙特不会允许其他国家利用其来平衡石油市场,但是随着沙特阿美公司IPO提上日程,沙特或许没有其他的选择。在丹佛召开的一次油气会议上,Curtis表示:“沙特需要上涨的油价,这样他们才能顺利地推进沙特阿美公司的IPO。”
OPEC Couldn’t Shake-Up Shale As Much As First Believed
US shale has proven resilient during a more than 2-year downturn in oil prices. That resilience caught many by surprise, including OPEC counterparts who “thought they could impact shale more than they have,” said Trisha Curtis, president of PetroNerds LLC, an oil and gas consultancy. While the Saudi energy minister recently warned his country won’t allow itself to be used by others to balance the market, with the Saudi Aramco IPO on the horizon, it may not have a choice. “They need prices to go up so they can make that IPO,” Curtis said while speaking at an oil and gas conference in Denver.