中国石化新闻网讯 据俄罗斯媒体3月15日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯财政部长安东•西卢阿诺夫周一在莫斯科说,俄罗斯在2022-2025年前将不会完全取消其石油出口税。
李峻 编译
Russia Postpones Scrapping Oil Export Duties to 2022-2025
Oil & Gas Eurasia/March 15, 2017/Moscow
Russia will not fully scrap its oil export duty until 2022-2025, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Monday, four years later than previously expected.
Russia, the world’s biggest oil producer, is in the midst of a so-called “tax manoeuvre” whereby it is gradually increasing its mineral extraction tax (MET), while at the same time cutting export duties on oil and refined products.
Previously the finance ministry had considered cutting the oil export duty to zero between 2018 and 2020.
“We think that oil export duty could be scrapped in full between 2022-2025,” Siluanov told a tax conference organised by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
“We are holding discussions with oil firms and the Energy Ministry and I am sure a relevant decision will be made.”
He declined to specify how much the MET would rise but said the planned increase would be “neutral” for oil and gas companies, given the planned abolition of export duties.