中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯伦敦3月16日消息,伍德麦肯兹公司称,全球油气行业的并购交易活动正在回升,上周仅仅一天时间中,全球油气行业就宣布了四宗单独的并购交易,总价值约150亿美元。伍德麦肯兹表示,这些交易中包括壳牌作价72.5亿美元出售加拿大的资产和埃克森美孚斥资28亿美元收购莫桑比克一天然气项目股权,这些交易的特点是油气公司正在向抽提成本较低的地区集结的趋势。
Oil and Gas Industry M&A Activity Increases
LONDON–Deals are picking up in the oil and gas sector. In just one day last week, four separate deals worth a total of around $15 billion were announced, according to Wood Mackenzie. The deals included Royal Dutch Shell PlC’s $7.25 billion asset sale in Canada and Exxon Mobil Corp’s $2.8 billion acquisition of a stake in a Mozambique gas project, moves intended to focus on regions where extraction costs are lower, Wood Mackenzie says.