中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯3月7日卡尔加里报道,业内人士周一(6日)在卡尔加里表示,由于亚洲炼油企业加快寻找中质至重质原油原料,加拿大从美国墨西哥湾沿岸的原油出口在今后的5年里将具有每天增加到大约45万桶的潜力。
美国能源安全分析总裁萨拉•艾默生在卡尔加里举行的CERI 2017油气研讨会上说,为了获得中质至重质等级原油,新的亚洲炼油能力正在建造中,这对加拿大来说是一个好消息。
李峻 编译
Canada could export 450,000 b/d of heavy crude to Asia by 2021: industry sources
Calgary (Platts)–7 Mar 2017
Canadian crude oil exports from the US Gulf Coast has the potential to grow to some 450,000 b/d over the next five years, as Asian refineries intensify their search for a “diet” of medium-to-heavy crude feedstock, industry participants said Monday.
New Asian refining capacity is being built to take in medium-to-heavy grades and that’s “good” for Canada, Sarah Emerson, president of Energy Security Analysis, said at the CERI 2017 Oil & Gas Symposium in Calgary.
During a five-year period starting 2016, new investments in coking and desulfurization facilities in Asian refineries will result in incremental demand of a total of 1.2 million b/d of heavy and medium grades, she said.
For Canadian producers to get a larger share of the new market demand, “pricing will matter,” Emerson said without giving any figures.