中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯3月7日消息,据美国能源情报署(EIA)周二发布的最新短期能源展望报告,该机构上调了对今明两年美国的原油产量预期。EIA预计2017年美国原油日均产量921万桶,高于之前预计的898万桶。EIA预计2018年美国原油日均产量973万桶,高于之前预计的953万桶。EIA小幅上调对今年的油价预期,西得州中质油(WTI)均价预计为每桶53.49美元,布伦特油价为54.62美元。
EIA raises U.S. crude-oil production outlooks
The U.S. Energy Information Administration raised its forecast on crude production for this year and next, according to the agency’s latest Short-term Energy Outlook report released Tuesday. The EIA forecast U.S. crude production at an average 9.21 million barrels per day in 2017, up from the previous forecast of 8.98 million. It sees 2018 output at 9.73 million barrels a day, higher than the previous forecast of 9.53 million. Its crude-price forecasts edged higher for this year, with West Texas Intermediate crude seen at an average $53.49 a barrel and Brent crude at $54.62.