Name: lnternational Oil Spill Conference – IOSC 2017
Date: 2017/5/15 – 2017/5/18
City: Los Angeles
Country: USA
The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) provides a vital forum for professionals from the international response community, private sector, government, and non-governmental organizations to come together to tackle the greatest challenges facing us with sound science, practical innovation, social engineering and imagination. This conference is an ideal environment for government agencies, contractors, researchers, industry, and other stakeholders to work together toward mutual objectives, through the exchange of ideas and lessons learned from actual spill responses and research around the world.
- 石墨
- 硕士毕业于厦门大学,本科毕业于中国石油大学(华东),兼具石油和新能源学习背景,长期聚焦国内外油气行业最新最有价值的行业动态,如需获取油气行业分析相关资料,请联系石墨(QQ:2207699246;微信13021381109)