中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社3月2日伦敦报道,根据政府知情人士所说,科威特能源公司计划在伦敦进行首次公开募股(IPO),首次公开募股有望为这家科威特油气勘探公司筹集到10亿美元。
李峻 编译
Kuwait Energy said to plan London IPO, seeking $1-billion valuation
LONDON (Bloomberg) — Kuwait Energy is planning an initial public offering in London that could value the oil and gas exploration business at as much as $1 billion, according to authorities familiar with the matter.
The independent energy firm, with assets across Oman, Egypt, Iraq and Yemen, is working with Bank of America, the people said, asking not to be identified as the details aren’t public. Numis Corp also has a role on the potential IPO, one of the people said. A listing could take place in the first half, though no final decisions have been made, they said.
Kuwait Energy didn’t immediately respond to requests, while representatives for Bank of America, Numis declined to comment.
The number of oil and gas companies going public dwindled after oil prices crashed in 2014. The last IPO of size in London was that of Nigerian oil and gas explorer Seplat Petroleum Development, which raised more than $500 million that year.