

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社2月28日伦敦报道,虽然OPEC在去年11月30达成协议减产120万桶/天为油价提供了支撑,但是美国页岩产业却借此复苏。根据贝克休斯最新的数据显示,今年截至2月24日,美国原油勘探和生产公司已增加了77台钻机。同时根据美国能源信息署(EIA)的最新的钻井生产力报道显示,美国3月份页岩油日产量预计达487万桶/日,达到2016年5月以来的最高值。麦格理(Macquarie)和奥斯陆石油咨询机构Rystad Energy认为今年将增产90万桶/天,而JP摩根资产管理控股公司则预测产量增加40万桶/天。
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U.S. shale surge threatens OPEC strategy
LONDON (Bloomberg) — OPEC’s Nov. 30 output agreement to cut production by 1.2 MMbpd may have put a floor under the oil price, but has also awakened U.S. shale. Exploration and production companies have added 77 rigs this year to Feb. 24, according to the latest figures from Baker Hughes, while U.S shale production is forecast to reach about 4.87 MMbpd in March, according to the Energy Information Administration’s latest Drilling Productivity Report. That’s the highest since May 2016. Estimates of just how much shale will be added over this year range from as high as 900,000 bpd by Macquarie and Rystad Energy to a more modest 400,000 bpd by JP Morgan Asset Management.
E&Ps are also gaining access to capital in 2017. “The combination of a collapse in the cost of borrowing and increased hedging opportunities following the latest price rally has put U.S. shale oil producers back in business,” Ole Hansen, chief commodity strategist at Saxo Bank, said in an email to Bloomberg Briefs on Feb.15. “Instead of cutting cost to meet the punitive borrowing cost witnessed a year ago they can now look ahead and begin making plans to expand production.”
