中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月28日消息,由于最新的硫含量规定将从2020年起生效,船用燃料价格可能出现大幅上涨。伍德麦肯兹公司估计从2020年起船用燃料成本每年可能增加高达600亿美元,这是基于完全遵守国际海事组织(IMO)的硫含量规定的情况下作出的估算。该咨询公司预测原油价格的上涨以及船用燃料市场供应紧张这两大因素将令船用燃料价格大幅上涨,2020年时船用燃料的价格可能高达2016年价格的四倍。
Shipping Fuel Prices Could be Set to Rise Sharply
Shipping fuel could be set for a massive price hike because of new regulations on sulphur content due to come into affect from 2020. Wood Mackenzie estimates that bunker fuel costs could rise by up to $60 billion annually from 2020, assuming full compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s sulphur cap. The consultancy forecasts that a combination of higher crude prices and a tight market for maritime fuel by the end of the decade could push prices up to four times that of fuel oil in 2016.