Name: 33rd Annual Asia Pacific Petroleum Conference (APPEC 2017)
Date: 2017/9/25 – 2017/9/27
Location: Raffles City Convention Centre
City: Singapore
Country: Singapore
As the most prestigious event in the Asia Pacific oil and gas industry calendar, APPEC 2017 is uniquely positioned to deliver market-driven discussions from industry powerhouses, mixed with exclusive networking opportunities to ensure global participants are guaranteed with the highest quality, up-to-the-minute market intelligence and new business opportunities.
Attendance at APPEC 2016
- 398 attendees, over 250 companies from 44 countries
- Over 50 speakers representing 36 companies
- 10 dedicated networking sessions + 2 conference cocktail receptions
- 500+ tweets and social media posts
- 石墨
- 硕士毕业于厦门大学,本科毕业于中国石油大学(华东),兼具石油和新能源学习背景,长期聚焦国内外油气行业最新最有价值的行业动态,如需获取油气行业分析相关资料,请联系石墨(QQ:2207699246;微信13021381109)