中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月24日消息,美国能源信息署(EIA)表示,美国石油出口量与去年同期相比已大幅增加了近七倍,在两周时间内出现翻番,达到创纪录的120万桶/天。晨星公司表示,美国石油出口量暴增令人意外,主要是在填补欧佩克减产所导致的供应缺口。标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯公司表示,过去依赖于欧佩克一些原油品种的亚洲买家当前正从美国获得资源,这帮助了美国出口量的增长。晨星公司认为美国石油出口大幅增加是不可持续的,因为美国国内需求仍然大大高于其产量,这将令美国买家吸收新增的产量。
Morningstar: Surge in US Crude Exports Unsustainable
US exports climb nearly sevenfold from last year–and double in two weeks–to a record high 1.2M barrels a day, EIA says. The size of the surge is unexpected and fills the gap created by OPEC cuts, Morningstar says. Buyers in Asia once reliant on OPEC for certain grades of crude are now sourcing them from the US, helping US exports grow, S&P Global Platts says. Morningstar calls it unsustainable, noting domestic demand is still so much larger than total US output that typically US buyers will absorb this supply.