

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月22日消息,穆迪公司表示,未来几年全球天然气市场将处于供应过剩困境。到2020年的这五年时间中,全球LNG供应将增加44%,增速远快于来自于中国、印度和新兴市场需求的增速。穆迪表示,2019年全球LNG供应过剩将达到峰值,大约过剩5500万吨/年。大量LNG新项目曾经是受到全球最大的LNG购买国日本的核电危机导致的LNG价格大幅飙升的刺激。不过当前日本核电装置正在重启,预计2020年日本的LNG消费量将比2014年创下的历史峰值减少9%。全球第二大LNG购买国韩国的LNG需求也保持平稳。穆迪表示,全球LNG市场供应过剩的局面将持续到2020年代初,届时低价格、环境担忧和建设活动将刺激需求增长跟上供应增长的速度。
Moody’s Sees Oversupply in LNG Until Early 2020s
The global market for natural gas stares at a glut for years to come, Moody’s says. New supply will be up 44% in five years by 2020, much faster than demand from China, India and emerging markets can rise. Oversupply will peak in 2019 at about 55 metric tons a year, Moody’s says. Massive new projects to produce liquefied natural gas once received encouragement from price spikes tied to nuclear outages in Japan, the world’s biggest market. Now its nuclear plants are restarting, likely reducing consumption 9% by 2020 from its 2014 record, Moody’s says. Demand is also flat in the world’s second-biggest market, South Korea. It won’t be until the early 2020s before low prices, environmental concern and construction allow demand growth to catch up, Moody’s says.
