中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月21日消息,壳牌勘探和生产业务部门负责人Andy Brown称,北美地区约1700亿桶潜在页岩油资源当前可以在油价为40美元/桶甚至更低的情况下实现盈亏平衡。自油价在2014年年中大跌以来,页岩油领域的成本已大幅下降,允许更多石油钻探公司得以在更低的油价水平继续维持运营。Brown在伦敦举行的国际石油周会议上称:“我已经被该业务的创新速度和绩效改善速度吓了一跳。”
Some US Shale Can Break Even at $40 a Barrel, Says Shell
Roughly 170 billion barrels of potential shale resources in North America can now break even at $40 a barrel a lower, says Andy Brown, Royal Dutch Shell PLC’s head of exploration and production. Costs in the sector have come down hugely since the oil price crashed in the middle of 2014, allowing more drillers to continue operating at lower oil prices. “I’ve just been amazed at the pace of innovation in that business and the pace of performance improvement,” Mr. Brown told the International Petroleum Week conference in London.