中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月20日消息,在伦敦召开的普氏能源资讯石油与能源论坛上接受调查的大多数代表认为,2017年美国石油钻井平台数量将增长。数百名出席论坛的代表应邀对美国石油钻井平台数量将达到什么水平进行了投票,其中45%投票者称数量将达到1000-1499个,40%的人认为数量是500-999个,12%的投票者认为超过1500个,只有3%的受访者认为到年底时将少于500个。根据油田服务公司贝克休斯的数据,目前美国石油钻井平台数量为597个。
DJ Platts Poll Says US Oil Rog Count Will Keep Growing
The vast majority of delegates polled at the Platts Oil & Energy Forum in London believe that the U.S. oil drilling rig count will rise in 2017. Hundreds of delegates were asked to cast a vote on what level the rig count would be at and 45% said that the number would be between 1,000 and 1,499 rigs. A total of 40% believed that the figure would be between 500 and 999, while 12% thought it would be over 1,500 rigs. Only 3% believed that rigs will be less than 500 by the end of the year. The current rig count is 597, according to data by oilfield services company Baker Hughes.