中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月14日消息,穆迪公司最新研究报告称,石油和采矿行业在经历了2016年债务违约增加后,2017年的违约数量或将减少。穆迪公司高级信用官员 Sharon Ou表示:“在2016年上半年债务违约数量出现增加后,受油价上涨的影响,2016年下半年油气行业的债务违约数量出现下降。进入2017年,我们预计能源行业的债务违约数量继续减少,因为多数表现不佳的公司已经违约,多数剩余公司的财务状况较为健康。”穆迪表示,在美国,违约率最高或将出现在金属和采矿行业,而在欧洲,违约率最高的将出现在零售行业。
Oil and Gas Defaults to Recede in 2017, Says Moody’s
After a period of increased bond defaults in the oil and mining sector in 2016, the industry is likely to see less defaults in 2017, according to a new study by Moody’s Corp. “After an elevated pace of defaults in the first half of 2016, defaults eased in the second half as oil prices rose,” said Sharon Ou, senior credit officer at Moody’s. “Going into 2017, we expect defaults in the energy sector to continue to abate, since many weak companies have already defaulted and remaining firms are for the most part healthier,” Ms. Ou said. In the U.S., the metals and mining sector is likely to see the highest default rate, while in Europe, the retail sector could be hit hardest, Moody’s said.