中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月16日消息,Parsley 能源公司首席执行长Bryan Sheffield表示,西得克萨斯二叠纪盆地页岩油田快速而迅猛的交易活动可能会导致一家新的石油巨头诞生。他在NAPE石油会议上提到了该油田最近的几起并购交易,表示任何一个并购交易都有可能导致连锁反应,引发多起并购的热潮,或许会导致一家可与埃克森美孚、雪佛龙和康菲石油相竞争的大型公司出现。
Large Cap Oil M&A May Lead to New Large-Cap Company
Fast and furious deal-making in the shale fields of west Texas’s Permian basin may end with the creation of a new oil major, says Parsley Energy (PE) CEO Bryan Sheffield. Noting several recent M&As there, he says at the NAPE oil conference that any one merger “could lead to a chain reaction, a frenzy of multiple mergers, perhaps resulting in the creation of a large-cap to compete with Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips.”