

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯米兰2月8日消息,知情人士透露,意大利检方已要求荷兰皇家壳牌集团与意大利石油集团埃尼公司的首席执行长就和一起大型尼日利亚石油交易有关的腐败指控接受审讯。
意大利检方要求埃尼公司首席执行长Claudio Descalzi和另外10名人士接受审讯,他们被指控和壳牌与埃尼公司2011年一起交易的腐败案有关。该交易取得了尼日利亚一个海洋石油区块的控制权。
Italian Prosecutors Request Eni CEO, Shell Stand Trial–Sources
By Deborah Ball and Manuela Mesco
MILAN — Italian prosecutors have requested that Royal Dutch Shell PLC and the chief executive of Italian oil group Eni SpA stand trial over allegations of corruption tied to a large Nigerian oil deal, according to a person familiar with the situation.
The prosecutors have requested that Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Eni, and 10 other people be tried for alleged corruption tied to a deal Shell and Eni struck in 2011 to gain control of an offshore oil block in Nigeria.
At the time, the two companies won rights to the block after paying $1.3 billion. Eni paid the money to the Nigerian government, but about $1.1 billion was later transferred to a former oil minister, according to documents from cases in the U.K. and Italy. Shell had already invested a large amount of money in the oil block and agreed to share the rights with the Italian group.
