中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社2月6日伦敦报道,根据知情人士透露,由于全球各大交易所均争相角逐在沙特阿美进行史上最大规模的首次公开募股中分得一杯羹,新加坡正考虑采取一系列的措施吸引能源巨头沙特阿拉伯石油公司来新上市。
该人士称,新加坡正在研究包括邀请一家国有投资公司担任沙特阿美公司首次公开募股的基石投资者,以及新加坡在未来与沙特政府开展投资合作可能性在内的多项提议。据这名以信息没有公开为由而不愿透露名字的消息人士表示,新加坡交易所包括首席执行官Loh Boon Chye在内的管理层,已于去年底就上市事宜访问沙特。
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Singapore said to plan series of incentives to lure Aramco IPO
LONDON (Bloomberg) — Singapore is considering a range of measures to lure a listing from energy giant Saudi Arabian Oil Co., according to people familiar with the matter, as global exchanges compete for a slice of what could be the world’s largest-ever initial public offering.
The island nation is studying proposals, including inviting one of its state investment companies to become a cornerstone investor in Aramco’s IPO, as well as potential Singapore cooperation with the Saudi government on future investments, the people said. Singapore Exchange Ltd. management including CEO Loh Boon Chye visited Saudi Arabia late last year to pitch a listing on the bourse, according to the people, who asked not to be identified as the information is private.
Singapore, the biggest oil trading center in Asia, is hoping a full package of government incentives will give it a better chance of winning a piece of the listing than a standalone proposal from the stock exchange, the people said. Aramco is yet to make a final decision on the venue for the IPO, and Singapore faces challenges from larger international exchanges, the people said.