中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月3日消息,澳大利亚国民银行称,中国成品油出口的大幅增加将拖累亚洲炼油行业利润率下降,并且指出目前中国的炼油行业处于产能过剩状态,开工率在79%左右。该行称:“中国国内炼油市场持续过剩,这导致去年流向已然饱和的亚洲市场的中国燃料出口达到纪录水平。”中国国有石油巨头中国石油天然气集团公司预计2017年中国柴油出口进一步增加55%。但澳大利亚国民银行认为成品油过剩将影响今年中国的原油进口增速,或从2016年的14%降至6-9%。
China Seen Driving Asia Refining Margins Lower
A surge in exports of petroleum products from China will drive Asia’s refining margins lower, says National Australia Bank while noting the country’s refining sector is currently in overcapacity with utilization around 79%. “This is accompanied by a persistent glut in the domestic refined-petroleum market, which in turn led to a record level of Chinese fuel exports into an already-saturated Asian market last year.” State-owned oil giant CNPC now forecasts a further 55% surge in diesel exports by China in 2017. But the bank does see the output glut denting China’s crude-import growth this year, to 6-9% from 2016’s 14%.