来自 | Gastech
编译 | 张德凯
为更好地帮助从业人员了解LNG市场以及LNG未来的市场走向,GIIGNL技术研究集团推出了《LNG零售指南》(Retail LNG Handbook),其中主要分析了LNG进口码头在新兴LNG零售市场中的地位等内容。尽管该报告中含有大量、价值极高的LNG零售行业方面的内容,但其主要目的并不是用于指导LNG运输、存储和分配。该报告列出了一些LNG行业的实际问题和要求,期待能够帮助专业的LNG零售团队建立行业操作准则。
第29届Gastech会议展览将于2017年4月4-7日在日本东京举行,由Jera, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui & Co., Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd, INPEX Corporation, Itochu Corporation, Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd (JAPEX), JX Group, Marubeni 及 Sumitomo Corporation十家日本企业组成的Gastech联盟共同主办。
RETAIL LNG HANDBOOK: Retail LNG & The Role of LNG Import Terminals
Report by the GIIGNL Technical Study Group on the possible role of LNG import terminals within the emerging Retail LNG Market.
Content Disclosure
Although GIIGNL uses reasonable care to include in this presentation information which it believes is up-to-date and accurate, GIIGNL makes no representations or warranty as to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or correctness of such information; nor does it warrant or represent that the presentation shall be complete in every respect.
Although the subject of this presentation (Retail LNG Handbook) may contain much useful information, it is not specifically intended to work out procedures for LNG transfer, storage or distribution. It only sets out to lay out some of the practical issues and requirements to guide and facilitate a skilled operator team to work out suitable operational procedures for Retail LNG applications. No proprietary procedure, nor particular manufacture of equipment, is recommended or implied suitable for any specific purpose by GIIGNL. Readers should ensure that they are in possession of the latest information, standards and specifications for any procedures and equipment they intend to employ.
GIIGNL, and any of its members, disclaims any direct or indirect liability as to information contained in this document for any industrial, commercial or other use whatsoever.
With more than 63 member companies operating in 21 countries and with the main objectives to promote the development of activities related to LNG, the Groupe International des Importateurs de Gaz Naturel Liquifié (GIIGNL) identified the emerging Retail market as being well suited for a dedicated review and analysis.
The GIIGNL Technical Study Group (TSG) who is responsible to review, investigate and report on technical issues associated with the operation of LNG facilities worldwide was tasked with the preparation of a Retail LNG Handbook.
The TSG is addressing Retail LNG through two distinct phases. Phase I concentrates on the activities associated with Retail LNG that primarily involve LNG import terminals. Phase I provides limited consideration to the other aspects of the Retail LNG value chain outside of LNG import terminals.
Phase II will concentrate on the downstream aspects of the Retail LNG value chain and will provide greater detail and clarity on activities associated with the supply of LNG to the final end users and the commercial considerations of such. This effort will be completed with the assistance of GIIGNL’s Commercial Study Group (CSG)
Document and Purpose
• This first 2015 edition of the GIIGNL Retail LNG Handbook reflects GIIGNL’s understanding of the Retail LNG market and best current practice at the time of publication.
• The purpose of the handbook is to serve as a reference manual to assist readers to understand the current and future Retail LNG market, LNG supply to this market, safety and operational aspects, applicable codes and standards, and equipment available to be used.
• The Handbook is neither a standard nor a specification.
• The Handbook identifies some of the practical issues and requirements associated with Retail LNG and could be used to help guide and facilitate a skilled operator team in working out suitable solutions for Retail LNG applications.
• Three overriding objectives guided the preparation of the Handbook:
• Leverage existing knowledge base within LNG import operating companies
• Fully explore the use of existing assets such as LNG import Terminals
• Role of GIIGNL in supporting the emergence Retail LNG market
Contents of the Retail LNG Handbook
• Preface – Includes information about the documents purpose and intended use as well as summary introduction to the Handbook
• Introduction – Includes background on the emergence of the Retail LNG Market, the GIIGNL organization, Scope of the Handbook and the Timetable associated with its development.
• Properties and Hazards of LNG – Examination of LNG’s chemical and physical properties which are fundamental to understanding how LNG will behave within the Retail LNG value chain.
• Retail LNG Value Chain – Discussion on the characteristics of the Retail LNG value chain and how it is both, similar in some aspects, yet very different in many other aspects from the traditional LNG value chain.
• Codes, Standards and Industry Organizations– Discussion on the most applicable existing codes and standards as well as those in production. Additionally, insight into some of the industry organizations poised to play a role in the Retail LNG market is provided.
• Overview of the current Retail LNG market – Detailed examination of current market drivers within the Americas, Europe and the Far East. Summary level analysis of the value proposition presented by some Retail LNG opportunities.
• Equipment Utilized in the LNG Process Chain – Overview of the types of equipment that have been employed to date and can be employed going forward as the Retail LNG market expands. Including but not limited to production, storage, transfer, transportation equipment as well as equipment being used by end users participating in the Retail LNG market.
• Availability of LNG Supply – Discussions on how export and import terminals, small-mid scale merchant plants and other facilities are positioned to supply the Retail LNG market
• Aspects of LNG Supply – Illustrative examples of the measures taken in the existing LNG market, and recommended for the emerging Retail LNG market with regard to the supply of LNG. Safety measures, security of facilities, staffing, equipment siting, transfer operations, commercial considerations, measurement, quality of LNG and regulatory concerns are addressed in detail.
• Aspects of LNG Use (End Users) – An introduction into the majority of the issues mentioned above, with regard to the end users of LNG, is provided. GIIGNL intends to expand the evaluation of these issues in the near future.
• Trends and Prospects in Retail LNG – Includes analysis of regional trends in the Americas, Europe and the Far East. Also contains discussion on the observed technology, operational, safety and security trends and prospects.
•Conclusions and Recommendations – Conclusions, summary of observed trends, recommendations for moving towards best practices within the Retail LNG chain, and discussion on expanding the scope of the Retail LNG Handbook.
Observations, Conclusions and Recommendations
• Drivers for adoption will vary from region to region and within different end user markets. However, the main drivers for the expansion of the Retail LNG market will continue to be environmental (e.g. compliance with regulations) and economic benefits.
• It is expected that uncertainties with regard to the regulatory factors and value proposition currently driving the market will continue to foster significant hesitancy for market participants in the Retail LNG market.
• Significant opportunity exist for participants in the Retail LNG value chain but significant commercial challenges exist including exposure to oil price fluctuations and economies of scale.
• The inherent risk associated with LNG that have observed and carefully mitigated for close to five decades exist in the Retail LNG market, although in some cases with vastly different scale and scope.
• Challenges exist in balancing the level of LNG demand and availability of LNG supply. LNG Import Terminals have been confirmed as ideal “hubs” in a distributive model of LNG supply to the Retail markets.
• While some advancement with regard to the equipment utilized in the Retail LNG value change is being observed, much of the improvement has been found to be in the “economies of scale” that have presented themselves due to increased utilization of proven equipment and technologies.
• Observed regulatory “gaps” in coverage exist across the Retail LNG value chain further exuberated by regional differences in the application of existing codes. Such gaps should be addressed with the drafting of focused codes and standards.
• With regard to safety, security, staffing, equipment siting, and transfer operations, LNG import terminals provide excellent references for developing Retail LNG facilities and for conducting safe and efficient Retail operations.
• The volumes of LNG traded in the Retail Market currently and for the foreseeable future will only represent a small percentage of the global LNG trade. However, even these modest volumes will offer many opportunities for current and new LNG market participants to develop new business, expand their services, and increase utilization of existing infrastructure. The environmental benefits are significant, the technology employed is well developed, and the economics workable in many cases.
• Industry knowledge, and the collective lessons learned of the broader LNG industry, need to be shared with new entries. The following recommendations for moving to the best practices throughout the Retail LNG value chain are highlighted:
Support the development of focused, targeted and homogenous procedures for operational activities and support standardization authorities and governments in the development of technical standards
Development of commercially feasible and operationally effective measures to manage the boil-off within the LNG process chain.
Standardization of Retail LNG equipment and transfer interfaces to minimize the chance of releases along the Retail LNG process chain.
Support the dissemination of LNG knowledge and experience throughout the LNG value chain. Key focus on operational safety and the maintaining of the high safety standard of the LNG Industry.
- 白矾
- 毕业于中国石油大学(华东),油气井工程硕士,长期聚焦国内外石油行业前沿技术装备信息,具有数十万字技术文献翻译经验。