来自 | BakerHughes
编译 | 张德凯
1.标准化技术平台,应用广泛:与现有多种同类应用兼容;融合了业内最新标准,包括PRODML和WITSML DTS;数据共享简单快捷;可与其他井下、地面数据融合共用。
Get the full value of your DTS data and improve well performance—faster, smarter, and more effectively
AMBIT? fiber-optic data management service make managing complex DTS data faster and easier than ever before. Using a software as a service (SaaS) deployment method, Baker Hughes provides you with a flexible, web-based service that seamlessly transmits, stores, and visualizes data for quick access and analysis—anytime, anywhere.
The interactive web interface lets you see temperature readings across time and depth in each asset, enabling quick identification of trends, patterns, and anomalies that can be used to diagnose downhole conditions, enhance production, and improve overall recovery.
Combining fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (DTS) data with other surface and downhole information can provide the insight you need to enhance production and make more informed operational decisions. But current practices to manage this information are complex, costly, and time consuming, making it difficult to extract the full value of your data.
Baker Hughes recognized these limitations and developed the AMBIT? fiber-optic data management service to make managing complex DTS data faster and easier than ever before. Using a software as a service (SaaS) deployment method, Baker Hughes provides you with a flexible, web-based service that seamlessly transmits, stores, and visualizes data for quick access and analysis—anytime, anywhere. The interactive web interface lets you see temperature readings across time and depth in each asset, enabling quick identification of trends, patterns, and anomalies that can be used to diagnose downhole conditions, enhance production, and improve overall recovery.
Traditional methods for managing downhole data—such as SCADA systems and file folder architectures—are easily overwhelmed by the large volume of data sets, causing delays that prevent real-time analysis and decision making. And, without a uniform process and standardization to manage this data, the retrieval, calibration, and visualization of data is extremely difficult and time consuming.
The AMBIT fiber-optic management service simplifies the management and integration of data by using the production mark-up language (PRODML) DTS standards, enabling integration with common applications and compatibility across vendors. This allows you to quickly and easily share data, with the capability of tracking meta data and saving multiple versions without losing any raw data in the process.
The service also transmits and stores high volumes of data in real-time, providing you with instant access to complete sets of data along the entire wellbore. And, with the ability to integrate the DTS data with other surface and downhole information, you can gain more accurate and faster insights about your asset’s performance. The service is also scalable, giving you the flexibility to track the performance of multiple fields, or just a few select wells.
Deploying the offering as a SaaS reduces your workload and costs by eliminating the hassle of excess hardware, software, and licenses. Baker Hughes provides technical support and can deploy updates automatically through the web. With this universal capability, you can gain a holistic view from multiple assets and applications within a single, easy-to-use interface.
- Remote production monitoring;
- Conventional, offshore, and unconventional wells;
- Fiber-optic surface units: network connected, remotely connected, and offline.
Features and Benefits
- Standardized platform:
-Provides compatibility with other applications;
-Incorporates the latest industry standards, including PRODML and WITSML DTS standards;
-Allows users to easily and quickly share data;
-Enables integration with other surface and downhole data.
- Intuitive web interface:
-Supports management of large data volumes;
-Enables real-time analysis;
-Stores meta data automatically;
-Eliminates the need for excess hardware, software, and licenses;
-Deploys updates automatically.