中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社12月9日伦敦报道,全球著名能源咨询公司伍德麦肯兹公司(WM)周五(9日)在一份报告中指出,明年全球用于石油和天然气勘探的支出可能下降到今年的400亿美元以下,但是,更低的成本也意味着盈利能力将增加。
李峻 编译
Oil Exploration Spending May Drop Further Next Year
Friday, December 09, 2016
LONDON – Global spending on oil and gas exploration in 2017 could fall below this year’s $40 billion, but lower costs mean profitability will increase, consultancy Wood Mackenzie said in a report on Friday.
Faced with a 30-month-long oil price downturn, oil companies including Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell have slashed spending budgets in recent years, with exploration bearing the brunt.
According to Wood Mackenzie, the share of exploration in overall oil and gas production investment will dip to a new low of 8 percent in 2017.
“Overall investment will at best match 2016 year’s spend of around $40 billion, and may yet fall further,” said Andrew Latham, vice president of exploration at Wood Mackenzie. That compared with a 2014 peak of $95 billion.
The rate of discoveries is not expected to fall next year and to average around 25 million barrels of oil equivalent per well.
The world’s top oil companies have struggled to replace natural decline in production through exploration in recent years and will have to rely more on acquiring fields and smaller companies in the future, Latham said.