据路透社报道,里约州政府正考虑撤销于去年年底提出的提高石油税收的法案。里约热内卢州是巴西石油重镇,其石油和天然气产量分别占巴西总产量的68%和44%。由于近年来巴西经济一蹶不振,里约州政府为了弥补财政收入的不足,于去年年底提出了提高石油税收的7182号和7183号法案。根据新法案,Campos盆地产出的每桶原油的平头税将增加2.71雷亚尔,且每桶原油的商品和服务税将被调至18%。里约州政府预计新法案的实施将使其今年的财政收入增加18亿雷亚尔。按计划这两项税收法案将于三月底生效,这将威胁到包括巴油,BG及Petrorio在内的众多石油公司的利益。因此,该法案还未实施便受到了各石油公司的强烈反对。近日,Galp, Statoil, Shell和Chevron石油公司分别雇佣了律师事务所对里约州政府提起个人诉讼。与此同时,巴西石油协会(IBP)也将代表其所有的入会企业对里约州政府提起联合诉讼。鉴于来自各方的压力,里约州政府正在考虑撤销新的石油税收法案。
Rio de Janeiro state in Brazil reportedly plans to scrap new oil and gas production taxes before they are due to take effect next month, as the global oil and gas industry continues to struggle.The state, responsible for 68% of Brazil’s oil production and 44% of its natural gas output, decided late last year that it would charge a flat tax of 2.71 reais ($0.67) on every barrel of oil and gas produced in the Campos basin.The Rio state government also passed an 18% goods-and-service tax on each barrel of oil.The government expected to raise about 1.8 billion reais this year from the new tax, and planned to direct the new funds towards social services that have suffered amid a faltering economy.According to Reuters, citing a knowledgeable source, the government has now decided not to implent the tax, which reportedly would have pushed the breakeven price on a barrel of pre-salt oil to $60 to $80 a barrel, from the current pre-tax $40 to $50 a barrel.
巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)近日宣布,位于Libra油田西北部的3-BRSA-1305A-RJS (3-RJS-739A)评价井经测试证实了新的大型轻质油藏的发现,进一步增加了Libra油田的探明储量。巴油在该井下5527米的位置发现了厚度为270米的油藏,且在井下不同地层进行的两项钻头测试也显示出该油藏的高品质和良好的生产能力。Libra油田的另一口代号为3-RJS-742的评价井刚刚于2月6日开始钻井,计划钻井深度5527米。巴油计划于2017年第一季度采用一艘日产5万桶原油的FPSO对Libra油田进行探边测试。巴油作为Libra油田的作业者拥有其40%的股权,壳牌和道达尔各拥有其20%的股权,中石油和中海油各拥有其10%的股权。
State-run Brazilian giant Petrobras has proved up additional resources at its Libra discovery in the pre-salt Santos basin with a successful appraisal well.Petrobras said thiss week that Libra appraisal well 3-BRSA-1305A-RJS (3-RJS-739A), on the north-west portion of the block, had been successfully tested, confirming the extension of a huge reservoir of light oil described as excellent in both quality and well productivity.The probe, at 5527 metres, found a 270-metre hydrocarbon column of pay.Two drill stem tests, performed on two different intervals, “have confirmed the excellent productivity of these reservoirs” and good oil quality, similar to prior wells 2-ANP-2A-RJS and 3-RJS-731.Another well, dubbed 3-RJS-742, was spudded on 6 February and will be drilled to a depth of 5527 metres. The well’s oil-bearing zone was identified by wireline logging and fluid samples, Petrobras said.First oil from Libra is expected in the first quarter of 2017 and will be produced through the Pioneiro de Libra floating production, storage and offloading vessel. The 50,000-barrel per day unit will conduct a series of extended well tests at the field.Petrobras operates Libra with 40% and is partnered by Shell and Total, both on 20%, CNPC and CNOOC, both on 10% and state-owned contract manager PPSA.
近日,壳牌石油公司取消了向巴西PetroRio公司出售其Bijupira-Salema油田80%股权的交易。PetroRio公司于2015年1月和壳牌公司达成协议,计划以1.5亿美元的价格收购壳牌公司在Bijupira-Salema油田的80%股权,及在该油田作业的Fluminense FPSO。该FPSO可日产7万桶原油和200万立方米天然气。由于谈判条款具有保密性,壳牌公司未向外界公开取消股权转让交易的原因。此外,PetroRio公司于2015年7月还以2500万美金的价格从巴油手中收购了Bijupira-Salema油田20%的股权,但据消息称,目前该股权转让交易尚未获得巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)的最终批准。
Shell has cancelled negotiations with Brazilian independent PetroRio for the sale of an 80% stake at the Bijupira-Salema field in the Campos basin, writes Fabio Palmigiani.PetroRio announced in January 2015 an agreement to acquire the stake and operatorship of Bijupira-Salema from the Anglo-Dutch supermajor for $150 million.The deal also included the Fluminense floating production, storage and offloading vessel, which has production capacity of 70,000 barrels per day of oil and 2 million cubic metres per day of natural gas.“Bijupira-Salema will remain in Shell Brazil’s operated portfolio. Shell cannot elaborate on why the deal was not concluded because the terms of the negotiation are confidential,” Shell said.PetroRio said that it will continue its growth strategy through the acquisition of producing fields, and remains active in seeking investment opportunities that create value for its shareholders.The company announced plans last July to acquire a 20% working interest in Bijupira-Salema from Petrobras for $25 million, but Upstream understands that Brazil’s market regulator ANP has yet to sanction the deal.
近日,壳牌巴西总裁Andre Araujo在公司新闻发布会上表示,巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)已批准将其在Barreirinhas盆地勘探工作的期限从2018年8月延长至2019年11月。壳牌在Barreirinhas盆地共拥有10个区块。其中,BAR-M-298区块和BAR-M-340区块壳牌拥有其全部股权;BAR-M-215, BAR-M-217, BAR-M-252和BAR-M-254区块壳牌均拥有其65%的股权,泰国PTTEP公司和日本Mitsui公司分别拥有其剩下的25%和10%的股权;BAR-M-300,BAR-M-342,BAR-M-344和BAR-M-388区块壳牌均拥有其50%的股权,巴油和Galp Energia公司分别拥有其剩余的40%和10%的股权。
Anglo-Dutch supermajor Shell has been given a 15-month extension to carry out exploration work at its new acreage in the Barreirinhas basin off Brazil, suggesting drilling activities in its 10 blocks in the northern equatorial margin may only begin in late 2018.Shell Brazil president Andre Araujo broke the news of the extension, granted by the Brazilian National Petroleum Agency (ANP), at a company press conference this week in Rio de Janeiro.“The ANP recently granted us another 450 days to conduct our exploration programme in Barreirinhas,” Araujo said.The five years covering the first exploration period in Barreirinhas was due to expire in August 2018, but the ANP extension now gives Shell until November 2019 to conclude work in the area. Shell holds 100% stakes in two blocks in Barreirinhas — BAR-M-298 and BAR-M-340.The company also holds a 65% stake in BAR-M-215, BAR-M-217, BAR-M-252 and BAR-M-254, in partnership with Thailand’s PTTEP and Japan’s Mitsui holding 25% and 10% working interests, respectively.Shell also has 50% stakes in blocks BAR-M-300, BAR-M-342, BAR-M-344 and BAR-M-388, together with Petrobras with 40% and Galp Energia on 10%.Shell has commitments on blocks BAR-M-252, BAR-M-340, BAR-M-342, BAR-M-344 and BAR-M-388, including three wells at BAR-M-344. It is understood that Shell has already started the environmental licensing process for drilling. “We are going to fulfill all of our commitments in the Barreirinhas basin. There are several wells that need to be drilled, but this is business as usual,” said Araujo.French player CGG is currently carrying out a 14,500-square kilometre multi-client 3D seismic survey in the region that also encompasses Shell’s blocks, with the company being the main sponsor.The blocks were acquired by Shell through its takeover of BG Group of the UK.
近日,荷兰Royal IHC公司宣布,将雇佣巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)上游部门前任主管Miranda Formigli作为顾问,帮助公司发展南美业务。Miranda Formigli自去年从巴油退休后,还出任了Aker Solutions公司的顾问,并帮助澳大利亚Karoon Gas公司为其Kangaroo和Echidna轻质油田的开发建言献策。IHC于2013年4月进入巴西市场,拥有巴油10艘PLSV的建造合同,目前在巴西共有雇员25人。公司预计到2020年其在巴西的雇员将达到100人的规模,在巴西的收益预计将达到2.5亿美元。
Dutch maritime group Royal IHC has appointed former Petrobras upstream boss Jose Miranda Formigli as an advisor to help in the development of the company’s strategic business plan for Latin America.”We are delighted on having Formigli to support us in our strategy for growth in the region. Formigli is a very experienced and knowledgeable person in the oil and gas business,” said Fabio Pereira, IHC sales director for Latin America.IHC, which years ago won contracts to build and deliver 10 flexible pipelaying support vessels to work for Petrobras, revealed plans to expand its footprint in Brazil last October during the OTC Brasil 2015 conference.”I’m very excited in participating in this project with Royal IHC. This represents a unique opportunity … particularly to overcome the current challenging times,” said Formigli.Since retiring from Petrobras a year ago, Formigli has also joined the innovation board of Aker Solutions to advise on strategy and is helping Australia-based Karoon Gas to develop its Kangaroo and Echidna light oil discoveries in the Santos basin.IHC entered Brazil in April 2013 and currently employs about 25 people. The goal is to have more than 100 workers by the end of the decade, when local revenues are expected to increase to $250 million.
Cidade de Marica FPSO开始在Lula油田生产
据悉, Cidade de Marica FPSO已经开始在Lula油田生产,目前第一口井的产量约为35000 bpd。Cidade de Marica FPSO可日产15万桶原油和600万立方米天然气,目前正在Lula Alto区域生产,作业水深2120米,距离海岸270公里。Cidade de Marica FPSO于2015年7月驶入巴西Brasa船厂进行总装。随着该FPSO的完工,其孪生FPSO Cidade de Saquarema也紧接着驶入了Brasa船厂进行总装,计划于今年第二季度驶往Lula Central区域作业。这两艘FPSO均归合资公司所有,其中SBM持股56%,Mitsubishi Corporation持股20%,Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha公司持股19%,Queiroz Galvao Oleo e Gas持股5%。Lula油田位于BM-S-11区块,巴油拥有该区块65%的股权,英国BG公司和葡萄牙Petrogal公司各拥有其25%和10%的股权。
Petrobras has started producing from its Cidade de Marica floating production, storage and offloading unit in the pre-salt Santos basin off Brazil.The floater, owned by a consortium containing SBM Offshore, is now in operation at the Lula Alto area of the Lula field in BM-S-11, the Brazilian state oil giant said on Tuesday.The unit has capacity to produce up to 150,000 barrels per day of oil and 6 million cubic metres per day of gas.One source told Upstream that production from the first well had started up at around 35,000 bpd of oil, consistent with the very high flows achieved so far in the heart of Brazil’s pre-salt province.The floater is stationed about 270 kilometres from Brazil’s coast in 2120 metres of water.The Cidade de Marica arrived at Brazil’s Brasa shipyard in July for integration of modules. It was followed into the yard by the Cidade de Saquarema, which is slated for delivery to Petrobras in the second quarter to join the sister unit at the Lula field, but at the Lula Central area.The twin FPSOs were both constructed from the blueprint of the Cidade de Ilhabela, which started production in November last year.The FPSOs are owned and operated by a joint venture between SBM (56%), Mitsubishi Corporation (20%), Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (19%), and Queiroz Galvao Oleo e Gas (5%).The Lula field sits in Block BM-S-11, where Petrobras is operator on 65% and is joined by UK player BG – now part of Anglo-Dutch supermajor Shell – on 25% and Portugal’s Petrogal on 10%.
据巴西国家石油管理局(ANP)公布的数据显示,Lula油田2015年12月的产量为442,200 boed,几乎占到了巴西石油总产量的五分之一。其中Lula油田去年12月份的天然气产量达到了20.6MMcmd,占巴西天然气总产量的20.5%。Lula油田投产已有五年,目前有18口生产井,分别连接至4艘FPSO进行生产,其中三艘FPSO的产量已进入平稳阶段。Lula油田每口井的平均产量为24,500 bpd,其中产量最高的7-LL-31D-RJS井于2015年12月份已达到了34,280 bpd。目前Lula油田的第五艘FPSO Cidade de Marica已开始作业,第六搜FPSO Cidade de Saquarema也将于今年第二季度开始作业,这两艘FPSO均可日产15万桶原油。此外,2020年前还将有四艘FPSO赶赴Lula油田作业,届时Lula油田的石油产量预计将达到1.4MMboed。为了运输产自Santos盆地的天然气,巴油已于上周开始运营Route 2天然气输气管线。Route 2连接位于Macae市的Cabiunas天然气终端,输气能力13 MMcmd。此外,第三条输气管线Route 3也计划于2017年第四季度投入运营,输气能力18 MMcmd。
Flow of oil increasing rapidly at giant pre-salt field, which already accounts for almost a fifth of Brazil’s entire production.Output from the giant Lula pre-salt field off Brazil is outstripping expectations and increasing at rapid rates, with production units now ramping up significantly faster than the first units to be brought online.Fresh data from Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency (ANP) show that the Lula field produced 442,200 barrels per day of oil in December 2015, representing almost a fifth of the country’s entire output of 2.53 million bpd in the period.The record-breaking numbers for Petrobras at Lula were achieved from just 18 oil producing wells linked to four floating production, storage and offloading vessels, of which three are already at plateau.It also comes just a little over five years after the first FPSO — Cidade de Angra dos Reis — was deployed on the field, indicating that despite the problems in the ongoing Car Wash corruption scandal, Petrobras is still delivering on the production side even if not at the rates originally promised.Lula is producing on average 24,500 bpd per well, but some are flowing at much higher rates. According to the ANP, the 7-LL-31D-RJS well was the top producer in December 2015 at 34,280 bpd. While it took Petrobras a little over 18 months to reach peak production at the first two FPSOs at Lula, the company achieved the same target in just 12 months with the third floater, and is already producing more than 80,000 bpd at the Cidade de Itaguai FPSO just six months after first oil.A fifth FPSO, Cidade de Marica, entered operations in Lula this week, and a sixth, Cidade de Saquarema, is due online in the second quarter. Each unit is able to produce 150,000 bpd.By the end of the decade, four additional FPSOs are planned to be installed at Lula, increasing the production capacity of the field to about 1.4 million bpd. Natural gas output from Lula reached 20.6 million cubic metres per day last December, more than twice that of the next biggest field, Mexilhao, at 8.3 MMcmd, and representing about 20.5% of the country’s entire gas production.To assist in the export of pre-salt gas from the Santos basin, Petrobras last week began operating a second pipeline in the area. Route 2 has transportation capacity of 13 MMcmd, linking pre-salt production systems to the Cabiunas gas treatment facility in Rio de Janeiro state.Route 2 will be connected to the Route 1 pipeline, in operation since 2011, and with capacity to offload 10 MMcmd.A third pipeline, Route 3, will be capable of transporting 18 MMcmd once operational in the fourth quarter of 2017.

- 李晓天
- 毕业于上海交大,后远赴巴西攻读海洋工程博士学位。长期从事巴西海洋油气市场的研究,并创办有《巴西海洋工程资讯》及SinoBrazilOffshore微信公众号。