加拿大Tag石油公司在澳大利亚的子公司获得了Surat盆地PL 17陆上区块开发权。Tag宣布,他们旗下的Cypress Petroleum子公司以250万澳元(190万美元)的价格从Southern Cross Petroleum & Exploration公司购入了区块开采权及其相关产业。协议规定,Tag在交易达成后要先支付750000澳元,随后在来年7月20日支付500000澳元。Tag表示他们在设计一个新项目以便进一步了解二叠地层储层性能。
来自/Upstream 11月1日消息 编译/尉晶
The Australian subsidiary of Canadian company Tag Oil has entered into an agreement to gain a 100% interest in PL 17 in the onshore Surat basin. Tag revealed its Cypress Petroleum subsidiary had entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Southern Cross Petroleum & Exploration which will see it buy the licence and all related assets for A$2.5 million (US$1.9 million). Under the agreement, Tag will pay an initial A$750,000 once the deal closes, with a further A$500,000 to be paid in cash on 20 July next year. Tag said a work programme was being designed to enhance the understanding of the Permian formation’s reservoir properties.
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- 尉 晶
- 本科毕业于西安石油大学地质学专业,现就读于中国石油大学(北京)地质工程专业。对于油气行业发展动态、实时资讯有着全面的了解,致力于将最专业、最地道的业内发展近况传播给每位读者。