IOTC总经理Pirouz Mousavi强调了伊朗与荷兰合作的几个领域,包括港口现代化、装备武器、储存设施以及单浮标系泊设备。“目前,由于设施翻新,总共10艘油轮可以停靠在Kharg码头,可以满足93%的伊朗原油出口。在取消制裁后,伊朗Kharg油码头日最高装载量已超700万桶。”
来自/Tradearabia 10月30日消息 编译/陈芊芊
Iran Oil Terminals Company (IOTC) has held talks with a Dutch firm to revamp and develop oil terminals in the Arabian Gulf as well as build a floating oil terminal, a top official said. A number of single buoy moorings (SBMs) used in Iranian oil terminals are Netherlands-made and partnership can be established for supplying required equipment, IOTC managing director Pirouz Mousavi was quoted as saying in an Iran Daily report.
He highlighted several areas for Iran-Netherlands cooperation including modernization of harbours, loading arms and storage facilities as well as SBMs. “Presently, given the refurbishment of facilities, a total of 10 oil tankers can dock at Kharg terminal which caters for 93 percent of Iran’s crude exports,” said Mousavi. “Following the removal of sanctions, the highest loading per day at Iran’s Kharg oil terminal has been more than seven million oil barrels,” he noted.
- Vivian
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