Akastor ASA已签订最终协议,以债务和无现金方式将Fjords Processing转让给国民油井华高(NOV),对价为12亿挪威克朗。石油圈原创 www.oilsns.com
NOV首席执行官Clay Williams表示:“我们看到将Fjords的技术能力与我们现有的NOV平台(其中包括互充性解决方案和服务)以及全面的基础设施结合起来实现市场扩张和大幅降低成本的巨大潜力。我们联合起来提供的生产和流程解决方案将使运营商能够继续应对我们行业面临的日益增长的技术挑战,同时降低每桶的边际成本。交易将在第四季度结束。
来自/Worldoil 10月27日消息 编译/陈芊芊
Akastor ASA has entered into a definitive agreement to sell Fjords Processing to National Oilwell Varco for a consideration of NOK 1,200 million on a debt- and cash-free basis.
Clay Williams, CEO of NOV, said, “We see significant potential in combining the capabilities of Fjords technology with our existing NOV platform, which includes complementary solutions and services, as well as a broad infrastructure to enable market expansion and significant cost reductions. The production and process solutions that our combined businesses offer will enable operators to continue to meet the increasing technical challenges our industry faces while reducing their marginal cost per barrel.” The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter.
- Vivian
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