来自/IEA 译者/周诗雨 编辑/李倩
Investment is the lifeblood of the energy system, which determines long-term trends of supply, emissions and fuel demand.Investors face new challenges and opportunities from recent trends.Macroeconomic uncertainty and structural change affects demand patterns.The energy sector faces accelerated technological change.Lower energy prices and increasing inter-fuel competition reshape investment.Global energy investment declined in 2015, mainly due to lower oiland gas spending.Share of renewables in investment boosted by technology progress,strong policy support and growth in good resource markets.
An 8% reduction in 2015 global energy investment results from a $200 billion decline in fossil fuels, while the share of renewables, networks and efficiency expands.
Energy supply investment in 2015, selected markets.Top five markets comprised over half of globalenergy supply investment.Boosted by record power sector spending, China regains its position as top investment market, while the US declines due to sharply lower oil and gas investment.
Energy efficiency investment rose 6%, bucking the trend despite lower energy prices
Lower oil prices can reduce energy efficiency spending. But government policies remain the key driver, a warning against complacency.Annual improvements in average fuel economy of new vehicles.
Unprecedented wave of investment cuts in the upstream oil and gas industry.Global upstream capital spending 2010-2017.Cost deflation, efficiency improvements and reduced activity levels might leadfor the first time to three consecutive years of investment decline.
The share of NOCs in global upstream investment reaches an all time high.Share of upstream oil and gas investment, by company type.Upstream investment remains robust in the Middle East and Russia while North.American shale and global offshore spending have been hit most severely.
Renewables investment buys much more electricity.Investment in renewables-based capacity more than covers 2015 global electricity growth. Wind leads, surging 35% in 2015 on economics and record offshore growth.
Global energy investment in 2015 is 8% lower. The share of oil & gas declined, while that of renewables, efficiency and nuclear rose.Massive cost deflation across the entire energy spectrum is reshaping competition between fuels and technologies.Unprecedented cuts in upstream investment are shifting the geography of oil production.Renewables investment accounts for more than two-thirds of power generation and more than covers global electricity demand growth.The IEA will continue to measure investment flows and assess their implications for the global energy sector.
- Linda
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