国际海上钻井服务供应商Mermaid Maritime周五称:考虑到公司内部重组需要提高成本效率、集中并强化权力体系,公司决定立即解除现任首席财务官Raza Ullah Khan的职务。今年8月就任CFO的Ullah Khan将退出Mermaid子公司Mermaid Subsea Services和Mermaid Subsea Services Saudi Arabia的管理岗位。正式任命新CFO之前,在Mermaid财务会计部工作了11年的Phiboon Buakhunngamcharoen将担任临时CFO,暂时接管公司财会事务。另外,Mermaid资产与行政管理执行副总裁Jean-Francois Redon出于个人职业兴趣方面的原因决定离职。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 10月14日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
International subsea and offshore drilling services company Mermaid Maritime has relieved its chief financial officer (CFO) of his duties. In addition, Mermaid’s executive VP has decided to resign from his position. Mermaid said on Friday that the company’s CFO, Raza Ullah Khan, was relieved of his duties effective immediately due to internal restructuring of the company in line with streamlining cost efficiency, centralization, and consolidation. Ullah Khan, who was appointed as the company’s CFO back in August, is required to resign from his directorship of the company’s subsidiaries, Mermaid Subsea Services and Mermaid Subsea Services Saudi Arabia. The company named Phiboon Buakhunngamcharoen, who has been with the company’s Finance and Accounting Department for the past 11 years, as the interim CFO to provide continuity in the company’s overall financing and accounting until a new CFO is formally appointed. Furthermore, Mermaid said that Jean-Francois Redon, the company’s Executive Vice President of Asset and Administrative Management, has decided to leave the company to pursue personal and other professional interests.
- 赵美园
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