Statoil已同意收购英国塔洛(Tullow )石油公司在挪威获许可勘探的四处区域的股份,包括巴伦支海勘探的Wisting地区。双方均为投入交易价格。上月,Tullow表示公司决定售出挪威勘探及开发权,转而主攻非洲及南美洲以优化成本结构。该交易使Statoil成为Wisting地区最大的股东。Wisting地区是迄今为止巴伦支海Hoop区域最大的勘探发现。Statoil将收购Tullow PL855 (Hoop) 20%股份、PL695 (Tromsoflaket) 40%股份及 PL843 20%开发许可权。三处收购使得Statoil在其股份分别上涨至55%、40%及40%。 Statoil表示收购使得公司拥有了较好的勘探前景,有望在2018年进行正式钻探。
来自/Natural Gas World 9月6日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创
Statoil has agreed to increase its stakes in four Norwegian licences, including the Wisting discovery in the Barents Sea, in all cases from UK-based Tullow Oil. Neither company indicated the price of the transaction.Last month Tullow said it had decided to sell its exploration and development portfolio in Norway to prioritise on Africa and South America and reduce its cost base. The deal makes Statoil the largest equity holder in the Wisting discovery, so far the only big discovery in the Hoop area of the Barents Sea. Statoil will also acquire from Tullow a 20% interest in PL855 (Hoop) and 40% in PL695 (Tromsoflaket), plus 20% in Norwegian Sea licence PL843 – taking Statoil’s interests respectively to 55%, to 40% and to 40%. Statoil said this would give it access to interesting exploration prospects that will be matured for possible drilling in 2018.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。