海底钻探设备维护和服务供应商PSW Group已与挪威钻井承包商Songa Offshore签订协议,为Songa的海上钻井平台提供维护服务。
根据挪威一家网站Offshore.no发布的消息,双方合约期为三年,另有两个一年备选延期。合同规定,PSW Group须对Songa Offshore所有钻井平台的海水隔管和其它相关海底设备进行检查、维护和修理。目前各项工作已开始进行。大部分工作将在PSW Group设在Mongstad的海底钻探工场完成,该工场专门负责油气勘探设备的操作与维护。
PSW Group首席执行官Oddbjorn Haukøy表示:Mongstad的工场位于Songa Offshore后勤基地附近,方便双方保持密切沟通,从而保证能够安全、及时地交付设备。除了Mongstad工场,PSW Group还将在Songa的钻井平台上直接进行设备修理与维护。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月19日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
PSW Group, a maintenance and service provider to the Norwegian subsea and drilling industry, has signed a deal with Songa Offshore. The deal is reportedly for the maintenance of subsea and drilling equipment on the company’s offshore drilling rig fleet.
According to a report from Offshore.no, a Norwegian-language website, the contract is for three years with two one-year options. The contract entails inspection, maintenance, and repair of marine risers and other related subsea equipment for all Songa Offshore drilling rigs. Work being done under the contract has already begun. Most of the work will be done in PSW’s Subsea and Drilling workshop in Mongstad, suited for handling and maintenance of equipment for the oil and gas industry.
The company’s CEO Oddbjorn Haukøy said that the Mongstad facility is close to Songa Offshore’s logistics base and that it will ensure easy interaction between the parties with a focus on security and timely deliveries. Apart from the work which will be done in Mongstad, PSW Group will also perform maintenance directly aboard Songa’s rigs.
- 赵美园
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