海上钻井承包商Ocean Rig UDW已与韩国三星重工达成协议,延期交付钻井船,并重新安排钻井平台的安装日程,这些钻井平台目前正在韩国建造。
Ocean Rig表示,此次签订协议是为了延期交付两艘由三星船厂建造的钻井船,并修订包括价格在内的几条合同条款。三星重工本应交付三艘钻井船,分别是: Ocean Rig Santorini, Ocean Rig Crete和Ocean Rig Amorgos。
Ocean Rig并未透露与三星重工签订协议的详细内容。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月12日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Ocean Rig UDW, an offshore drilling company, has reached an agreement with Samsung Heavy Industries to postpone drillship deliveries and reschedule certain installments for the rigs currently being built in South Korea.
The driller said the deal made with the Koreans provided for the delay of deliveries of two of three drillships under construction at Samsung’s shipyard and the amendment of certain other terms – including the contract price. Three drillships Samsung is due to deliver are: Ocean Rig Santorini, Ocean Rig Crete, and Ocean Rig Amorgos.
Ocean Rig did not provide a detailed description of the agreement made with the South Korean rig builder.
- 赵美园
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