伊朗石油部官方网站(Shana)宣布伊朗工业发展与革新组织(IDRO)同韩国现代公司(Hyunda)签署协议进行共同投资开发油气项目。该协议在韩国总统五月一日至三日访问德黑兰之后签署。这次历史性访问期间,伊朗同韩国签署了44份合作备忘录,涵盖管道、液化天然气、电力和石油化工等方面。韩国天然气公司(Kogas)同伊朗国家石油公司(NIOC)、伊朗国家天然气公司(NIGC) 、伊朗国家瓦斯出口公司(Nigec)签订一份备忘录以在天然气领域进行全面战略合作。三家伊朗公司将考虑在伊朗开发新油田、陆上液化场及浮式液化天然气(FLNG)终端并建造天然气管道。他们也要在液化天然气的国际市场上建立紧密的合作伙伴关系。
来自/Natural Gas Asia 8月8日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Industrial Development and Renovation Organization of Iran (IDRO) and South Korean conglomerate Hyundai have signed a deal for joint investment and implementation of oil and gas projects, according to Iran’s energy information agency Shana.The deal has been signed following the visit of South Korean president to Tehran in May.Iran and South Korea signed about 44 memoranda of understanding (MOU) during the historic visit of president Park Geun-hye’s visit in May 1-3 to Tehran, including deals on pipelines, LNG, power and petrochemicals.Kogas signed a MOU with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) and the National Iranian Gas Export Company (Nigec) for comprehensive and strategic cooperation in the natural gas industry sector.The three will jointly consider developing new gas fields, onshore liquefaction plants and floating LNG (FLNG) terminals in Iran and constructing gas pipes. They will also establish a close partnership for global marketing of LNG.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。