Incahuasi油气田位于Aquio和Ipati 区块上,Total拥有50%的股份,Gazprom、Tecpetrol各占拥有20%,YPFB Chaco持有剩余10%的股份。
来自/Your Oil and Gas News 8月3日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创
Total has put on stream the Incahuasi gas and condensate field, the Group’s first operated development in Bolivia, with a production capacity of 50,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d).
“Incahuasi is one of the largest gas and condensate fields brought on stream in Bolivia. Incahuasi’s production will contribute to Bolivia’s gas exports to Argentina and Brazil as well as domestic consumption”, said Arnaud Breuillac, President of Total Exploration & Production. “Delivered within budget, Incahuasi is the 4th start-up this year and as a low-cost project with a long production plateau, it will contribute to the Group’s production growth in 2016 and beyond.”
The Incahuasi field lies at more than 5,600 meters beneath the Andean foothills, 250 kilometers from the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The first phase of the field development involves three wells, a gas treatment plant and 100 kilometers of associated export pipelines. The second phase of development, involving three further wells, is currently under consideration.
Incahuasi is situated in the Aquio and Ipati blocks. The development is operated by Total (50%), with partners Gazprom (20%), Tecpetrol (20%) and YPFB Chaco (10%).
- 张弘引
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